Presentations and Articles.

Forest and Habitat Conservation

Renewable Energy

Sustainable  Agriculture

ECODEV Partners


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Presentations made by members at international fora
Dear World Summit Delegates:
I congratulate you for being part of this worldwide assembly to chart 
a new course for a safer habitation on earth. About two decades ago 
when the concept of a World wide meeting first came to pass, 
a major course correction in the earth’s future and a highlight 
on signals which are likely to lead us to a higher social and 
environmental costs, has been achieved mostly in plan 
and programming but yet to have a central place in 
the conscience and political will of any nation.
Before now ECODEV has been advocating for the 
inclusion of energy in the agenda for this year’s event.
As this summit has energy as one of its area of emphasis, 
that should challenge us to redirect the global energy use as 
energy crisis is currently plaguing the whole world. 
We should take advantage of the opportunities provided 
by naturally occurring energy sources like sun and wind 
to develop clean and sustainable energy now. I have 
always said that though I commend the energy optimism 
of nuclear, and fossil power scientist, the environmental 
catastrophes of these sources of energy should challenge us 
to change the energy strategy and reinvent 
the energy wheel....(etc.) 
For the full version of this paper contact us:

Hunger and Ethanol... a presentation by ECODEV member

 Bioenergy is an energy source that will not only
 reduce poverty but also cut down on the conflicts
 that has characterise the fossil fuel exploitation in
 Nigeria. The crisis in the Niger Delta that has lead to
 the death of many is an attestation to this. Most labour 
 union strike in the country and the worst environmental 
 pollutions experienced in Nigeria are all associated with 
 her dependence on fossil fuel.The develope economies source 
 for markets to their products beyong their borders, and if we 
 really mean well about poverty reduction in Nigeria and other
 developing economies,We must then help to stimulate better value 
 and export potentials to their products. If some agricultural products 
 are used for energy, that will contribute to peasants Farmers having 
 a reasonable and assured price for their products.Lack of a reasonable 
 price for crop products in farming communities in Nigeria is mostly 
 the reason why people remain poor despite their farming all year round. 
 Hence the reason why they only resort to subsistence farming only.
 It may interest you to research into how many products are made out 
 of palm oil in Malaysia, or from wheat grown in the west(America and 
 Europe etc)and comparethat to crops like cassava,yam,suger cane palm oiletc
 grown in Nigeria but only having one or two uses.Please lets help to open 
 up the economies of farming communities in Nigeria most of whom have farmed 
 since creation but seem not to be able to compeat their counterparts elswhere.

Eco Conscious Developments (ECODEV) has developed an energy system that can play a unique and pivotal role in rural energy supply, with a combination of an integrated farming system. Its the latest and most efficient low cost biodigester,used for cooking. Its design is such that has all its components localised to every environment and region. It produces low cost biogas for cooking, as cooking is the most energy consuming activities in this part of the World. It is designed to help reduce health risks and pollution associated with other means of cooking, as well as add value to livestock wastes. It’s a waste free technology, and not only supply affordable energy to rural and peri-urban duellers but improves nutrient status of the effluents as fertilizer for other farm uses. This is the best technology for agrarian economy as well as livestock farmers globally. The fuel shortage globally, coupled with the inefficient and or devastating means of cooking in developing countries is a serious concern to many and hence the need to invest in this latest and most cost effective biodigester, desined to use only local materials in every situation and region. This technology is designd to salvage the energy crisis in the developing World, by making available low cost biogas for cooking purposes.

 It is now obvious that we reinvent the energy wheel
 as to avoid the threatening environmental signals from
 conventional energy sources. By this, we will be consolidating 
 on the gains made by countries whic are
 already in the fore front of research and developments of renewable 
energy of which solar wind and biomass
 plays a key role. Though Renewable Energy has been mostly talked
 about, for decades in Nigeria, while fossil fuels have
 increased in use and predicted to be declining in
 supply.  I hope we do more in the current global turning point 
 on energy supply and use....(etc.)
 For the full version of this paper contact us:

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