Forest and Habitat Conservation

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Sustainable  Agriculture

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This program deals more with agrarian Communities,  paying close attention

 to environmental problems that arise from unsustainable

 agricultural practices. 

We therefore,  research into better

and more environment friendly

farming methods, in order to

protect the environment,

eradicate poverty and advance

the community's economy. 

We seek to replace the current 


methods with bio-intensive

agriculture, Organic farming and other sustainable alternatives.




Different projects in the matter include


1. Duplicating our experimented micro alternative agriculture

 to more communities and encouraging

people to take up the ventures at

 individual level.

2. Researching  into the cultivation

of organic and  forest based crops.

3. Encouraging the establishment of

snail farming, honey production,

Indoor Mushroom farming etc. Of note is the challenge we faced with our outdoor Mushroom farm, and we are looking at why it failed, though the indoor Mushroom farm was very successful, both at Osusuor-Nkpuor and Ekukunela communities of Cross River State-Nigeria.


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