This is one of the greatest challenge facing forest communities in Cross River State Nigeria. Lack of the basic necessities of life. In this page we capture the pains people go through in looking for drinking water. Particularly between the months of November to April every year.
We in ECODEV hope this photos will challenge the world to act, by comming to the assistance of these communities. Lack of Energy and Water are the biggest challenge to rural communities like Ekukunela community in CRS Nigeria, as can be seen below. |
Youths have no choice than to seek for water where ever it can be found, even in the Lions mouth or in dreadful caves that could be housing dengerous other animals..
When you turn your tap in your kitchen or so, and get water, we travel several killometers, and take riskes you will never immagine to get water. This water is indeed the type you will never even immagine yoursel drinking. We hope someday this will only be history
Here the young lady is completely insinde the cave (Ntung), and the young Man keep watch just in case there is call for help. This is how far we go in search of drinking water.
This is yet a challange to the global effort of sustainable development and poverty reduction. help take this challenge head on, by assisting in the introduction of sustainable water projects in this communities. |
The journey was successful, and no course for alarm, but not over yet. it will require another thirty more journeys to fill this 25 litter gallon, what a challenge.
This is a challenge but not an opstacle. lets together face and address it |
Waiting for water the whole night, while others sleep and get ready for the next day. When will this end, we hope soon, so we can sleep when others are sleeping and dream of other productive activities, that will help Us and the World too.
Children, youths and Women, bears the greates brunt of underdevelopment. Evidence is in this photo below. help give them a better future, by supporting/introducing water and other sustainable development projects in this region. |
For more about ECODEV go to, top left of this page. Or send Us an email. ecodevcenter@yahoo.com |